Molded in high-pressure EVA. Covered in synthetic leather. Waterproof zippers.
Most of 3C products and accessories produced in Asia have the same over-designed look. In recent years Sony has moved towards a more essential style. I tried to bring this process to a radical step figuring out by one side a research of absolute simplicity of shape of functions on the other side putting a special care on details and unusual materials to create an appeal of fashion as far as possible from the typical stern looking functional computer bag.
Designed by | Alberto Puchetti for branding agency DEM.inc
大部份我们在市面上见到的3C产品和周边的外型都是很类似的,用的着的用不着的功能都凑在一起,很容易掉入过度设计的陷阱里。 近年來,索尼的风格开始更倾向于简约,这个设计中反映了这种方式和定位上的转变:去掉所有不必要的元素,外型上遵从主要的功能需要来设计,並以最精致的细节来特显品质。特殊的材质也为设计带来清新而时尚的感觉,与一般所见黑黑沉沉的尼龙包有所区。
产品设计 | Alberto Puchetti for branding agency DEM inc.