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beauty clinic

2007 Special Collaborative Project with DuPont materials:

Corian and Sentry Glass Expression


Corian Panels are produced in modules, engraved by CNC machine and back illuminated by LED lights. Because Corian is a translucent material Artwork is highlighted by the back light passing through the thinner thickness of the engraved sign. Each panel is framed on the back by a metal profile fixing the panel along the  existing wall. Because of the modular use of lights different feeling could be achieved within the same space.

Sentry glass expression This technique which is known as Sentry Glass Expression consists of printing with Epson Ink an artwork in high resolution (700dpi) on PVB plastic film which is laminated onto safety glass to achieve outstanding printing results on large glass surfaces. Each tile (900 x 900) features a section of a gigantic artwork and the gap between which is filed by 8mm neutral color silicon profile allows continuity of the perception of artwork between tiles.

Because of the extremely  high resolution of the printing on film and because the top glass panel is fairly reflective surface this material manages to produce amazing  visual effects. This glass laminate could also be used to produce transparent vertical surfeces.       

Collaborative project with DUPONT

Artwork by | Katrin Olina 
Concept/furniture  by | Michael Young 
Architect in charge | Alberto Puchetti - Arboit Ltd

可丽耐面板以组件形式制作,设计好的花样或纹路会事先以雷射技术刻在面板上,再以LED灯作背照式处理。由于薄的可丽耐面板能直接被光线穿透,故打上灯光后,预先刻上的纹路的部份就会透光,在面板上描绘出一个个绚丽夺目的图案。安装的时候,每 一样面板都会由一组金属框所支架,并固定在墙身的金属组件上。组件形式制作的背照式可丽耐面板,容许设计师在同一个空间内轻易塑造出不同的效果。

同样是杜邦专利出品的SGX胶合夹层玻璃的制作过程精巧而细致:是先由Epson在PVB胶片上印刷出超高像素(700dpi)的图像, 再把PVB胶片夹在两层防刮的强化玻璃之中制作而成。一幅巨型画作由大量900*900的SGX胶合玻璃砖所拼成,每块玻璃砖上都各自印有与画作相对应的部份。安装的时候,玻璃砖与玻璃砖之间约8mm的狭缝会以无着色的矽胶材质填满,以达到一个无缝拼接的效果,使画作看起来更有整体感。由于印刷象素极高,夹层玻璃的反射度也好,这个组合制作出近乎完美的作品。同样的产品亦适合安装在墙面上。

艺术设计 | Katrin Olina 
家具及概念设计 | Michael Young 
主理建筑师 | Alberto Puchetti


Tel: +852 2546 4188

Tel: +852 2546 4722

Fax: +852 2546 4244

Mob: +852 9887 7114


Skype: alberto.arboit

Arboit  Ltd - Design and Architecture

Office 1408 - Tung Che Commercial Bld.

246 Voeux Road West - Sai Ying Pun. Hong Kong

- Block D8 - 39 Hongcao Road - Xuhui District

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