Arboit Limited
Design & Architecture
Arboit Ltd Design and Architecture is a multidisciplinary firm created to provide design services including architecture, interior architecture, exhibition and multimedia design as well as furniture and products. This company extensive expertise in diverse types of projects embodies each client’s unique interests to create design branding signatures iconic projects that are going to stand out.
Arboit Limited - Design and Architecture is a multidisciplinary firm created by 2008 to provide design services including architecture, interior architecture, exhibition and multimedia design as well as furniture and products. Our extensive expertise in diverse types of projects embodies each client’s unique interests to create design branding signatures that stand out. Arboit Ltd was established in 2008 to respond to a demand for a unique niche of designers and project managers who have specialized skills and experience in creative design. Arboit Ltd is currently investigating a way to evolve the architectural typologies to produce relevant and sustainable projects into the fast changing Asian cultural, economic and social reality. Our approach in interior design is all about focusing on experimentation and craftmanship.
By researching new technologies and materials we ensures creating innovative interiors in pushing the conventional aesthetic boundaries against a standardized mainstream aesthetic and by proposing artisanal techniques we provide a sense of uniqueness. Each project has at least one innovative material becoming the vehicle of the conceptual expression, like Corian being engraved and back illuminated as decorative wall panel, or three-dimensional ceramic tiles to create sculptural surface, or Dupont’s glass laminated SGX to render on floor gigantic digital paintings. We value the idea of a design conversation between cultural heritage and contemporary culture therefore we frequently include in or work design languages from the past although filtered by a modern interpretation in order to make it not letteral, more interesting and relatable to a younger audience.

Alberto Puchetti
Alberto Puchetti is the founder and artistic director of Arboit Ltd. Graduated at I.U.A.V. (University of Architecture of Venice – Italy) obtained a master degree with a project of “Design of a Multifunctional Residential Area within the new Scientific Park in Venice’s industrial harbor of Porto Marghera” and qualified as architect with part three habilitation. By having the opportunity to extend his knowledge through different fields like architecture, renovation of historical buildings, interior and furniture design he achieved a very precious experience.
From 2001 to 2004 he collaborated in London with Universal Design Studio – Barber Osgerby on high profile fashion stores like Stella McCartney’s flagship stores in New York’ s west 14th street and London’s Bruton Street as well as furniture and product design.
Collaboration with designer Michael Young and graphic designer Katrin Olina took shape as architect in charge of interior architecture projects on and off from 2003 to 2007 including two iconic two plastic surgery clinics “Dr James” in Taipei and “Skin” in Florence. Both projects were done in partnership with DUpont to promote the usage of of their products Corian and glass laminate Sentry Glass Expression.
From 2005 Alberto had the opportunity to start working in Asia being appointed by DEM. Inc.Asian leading branding agency as artistic director on a very wide range of projects from interior architecture of residential and hospitality projects to industrial design (Sony and Levi’s, Buick –General Motors).
By 2008 Alberto moved to Hong Kong where he collaborated with architectural firm Ovalpartnership on the design of urban space and interiors of 1.2 million square feet shopping arcade Sanlitun Village in Beijing and started working through his own office Arboit Limited on a variety of projects by 2010.
The Present
Arboit Limited is a design firm interested in using spatial design to define new typologies of places to reflect necessities and potentialities of a fast-changing society and to conceive a better quality of living.
In working on retail projects the main intent has always been breaking the standardized scheme of displaying typical of every retail outlet by introducing spatial metal sculptures as hangers - Monospace - three dimensional feature walls - Pesaro - and immaterial backdrop characterized by curved waves of light - Maryling.
Concerning working environments design the objective of /Arboit Ltd is to discuss the very Asian notion of office or working space in general as a merely productive place and to add a chilled element of quality of life and to introduce the notion of "Work & Play". We live in a world whose physical form increasingly segregates us into separate places to sleep, eat, learn, work, and play. Modernist concepts of floor plans define each section of a building into specialized components which meet particular functions. These concepts are guided by the belief that man can reach his maximum potential in any aspect of his life in an environment which is specifically designed for and dedicated to that purpose. As studies have demonstrated by combining together “Work and Play” we could radically evolve the basic concept of working space from a functional interior to a much exciting experience and our ability to fulfill essential life processes is a function of our emotional and physiological state as well as the surrounding environment. In "Work & Play" we react to our surrounding in new and different ways; we see and touch our world from a new perspective and attach new meanings to our environment. We don’t normally react to the work space around us in passive compliance; we tend to engage ourselves in interactive way with the space around up so much so our fantastic office design would become the arena of our incredible doing. These ideas are at the base of Arboit Limited most critically acclaimed and awarded interior project so far: Cloud DCS " walking on the sky ". A commercial /working environment is designed as an experience of life.
Within hospitality projects the intent is to step out from the sterile, commercially oriented main stream industry and focusing on artisanal technique like back illuminated engraved Corian panels and Sentry Glass Expression from DUpont, as well as artisanal technique normally discovered within the heritage of the area where the project is located. A network of Furniture suppliers has been built over of the years to put in production any custom-made design.
Human scale urban quality is at the center of large resort and shopping arcade projects in order to reproduce on Asian cities the quality of European historical centers or original hutong urban solution. The spirit of this design is to develop a urban ground and sustainable environment characterized by a human scale space in which people feel invited to go for social interaction as well as cultural or commercial activities.
The Team

Tzu-Wen To obtained her Master of Fine Arts Degree in Computer Graphics and Interactive Media in Pratt Institute, NYC. Twenty years of practical experience in design, worked in Taipei and New York in several professional design companies. Her knowledge includes practical expertise on brand, graphic, display, web, interactive multimedia design. She is the designer and responsible for the art direction of multimedia productions, installations and some graphic artworks during the long terms' collaboration with Arboit Ltd. Her specialties includes design related marketing and branding, graphic design and repress operation practicum, brand identity and visual identity design and scheme, motion graphics, 2D linear animation, programming generative art, basic 3D modeling and animation, interactive multimedia design (web design, interactive CD or application, digital game, visual identity design and scheme for mega events and exhibitions.
Ken Leung Graduated at Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, majoring in landscape architecture and urban planning. He is licensed as construction architect and a project manager and a head of a team of draftsmen. He has many years of experience in engineering project design and construction management and he collaborate with Arboit LTD in overseeing construction process of large projects specifically in the Guangdong region of China. His skills of excellent project manager make him very confident in coordinating the transaction from design concept into construction.
Fan Yang is a strategic design and innovation project manager based in Shenzhen assisting Arboit LTD to ensure design business development between the international designers, clients, and suppliers. She graduated at the prestigious “Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA) in Milano-Italy whilst previously she studied Business English. Meanwhile, her unique background in diverse work experiences in Education,

ida 2019
for the data enter project "CLOUD DCS, walking on the sky"

Frame Award 2018
for the data enter project "CLOUD DCS, walking on the sky"

international industrial design festival 2019
Conference Speaker at the "International Industrial Design Festival " 2019
Shenzhen - China

Highly Commended
Country : China
Typology : Mixed Use

2017 Design without boundaries
Design Conference and Exhibition organized by HKTDC,
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Hong Kong S.A.R.

Frame Award conference 2019
three days design conference organized by "Frame" magazine
Amsterdam - Holland

2016 Design without boundaries
Design Conference and Exhibition organized by HKTDC,
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Hong Kong S.A.R.

23h apida. asia pacific interior design award
Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2016
Award for Design Competition Judge
Hong Kong S.A.R.

Five Star - Best Retail Interior
Country : China
Typology : Retail

hong kong creativity in business 2017
Design Conference organized by HKTDC, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Wuhan - China

ipax asia pacific 2016
Guest Speaker about "Use of branding design in commercial proejct "
at IPAX property and design conference organized by ASIA PACIFIC PROPERTY AWARD.
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

international industrial design festival 2019
International Judge at the 12th Industrial Design Design Festal